- #Esp8266 firmware to work with arduino how to#
- #Esp8266 firmware to work with arduino serial#
- #Esp8266 firmware to work with arduino code#
- #Esp8266 firmware to work with arduino password#
- #Esp8266 firmware to work with arduino Bluetooth#
program_rodi.py /tmp/build7763862112848895248.tmp/8266 has a number of advanced features that make it unique from other available modules.

For a guide on how to install the toolchain, you can follow this guide.
#Esp8266 firmware to work with arduino code#
You can find the code on my esp8266_at fork on my github account.
#Esp8266 firmware to work with arduino password#
I found another method that consist on configuring the AP using the wifi_softap_get_config method from the SDK, which lets us set the max_connection parameter. Yet another option is to add a password to the AP. But… we plan to use it only for robots in a summer course, so the security isn’t really important for now. I asked and got this response but wasn’t able to find that method (or variable?). One security issue for this is that it supports up to 5 connections, so is not completely secure. Time for hacking it!Īfter reading through the source code for the AT commands firmware I was able to enable transparent mode when using the module as a server. Bad news, transparent mode is not available when using the module in server mode with the at_v0.20_on_SDKv0.9.3 version of the at command example.
#Esp8266 firmware to work with arduino how to#
I found (again on HaD) a blog that showed how to flash an Arduino via WiFi with these modules, but it uses the ESP8266 to connect to a router, as we’re planning to have a few of this robots, and the student will take these robot and it doesn’t have another way of flashing the chip unless they have a programmer, so this method wouldn’t work for the robots. One thing that I learn from the blog was that I was going to need to use the transparent mode and, of course, use the module as an AP.

#Esp8266 firmware to work with arduino serial#
I wanted to be able to flash the atmega328 inside the robot via WiFi because the robot doesn’t have a USB to Serial converter. Then, I read about the ESP8266 WiFi modules on Hackaday, and started working on a new version of RoDI, this time with WiFi :D. I wanted to to use WiFi, but the cost of the WiFi modules was a problem, since the idea was that the entire robot would cost less than 30 USD.
#Esp8266 firmware to work with arduino Bluetooth#
The first version used a HC-06 Bluetooth module to communicate with the computer.

RoDI is a low cost wireless robot to teach robotics and programming I started developing last year (reminder to self: I still need to post about it), but it wasn’t until a month ago that I started to work on it more often.

I’ve been working on a new robot called RoDI for a summer course at my Alma mater. Proceed with caution or you can break something! A (not so) brief introduction. This is experimental and not exactly for beginners, something may be wrong.